Tuesday, May 21, 2013

So glad you picked this book!

Thank you for joining me in reading Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos. He is one of my favorite authors, from his Rotten Ralph picture book series, to Joey Pigza and the Jack books.

Have you read any of his books?


  1. After reading chapter 1 I found out that the author writes with similes and adjectives. For example I like how he describes his nose bleed as blood spraying out his nose holes like dragon flames. The author demonstrates great use of vocabulary like;huffiness, admiration, spewed.

    1. You are right, Brooke! He is so descriptive. He carries around a tiny little notebook and is always writing down interesting things he sees or ideas. Plus, his descriptions are kind of gross, which I think adds to the humor of the book.

  2. Hi there, Ms. Bernard! I see you peeking out from behind Jack Gantos. Weren't you lucky to meet him!!!

    1. A highlight of my life....Great authors are rock stars in my eyes. He is a very nice man.
      I've enjoyed every one of his books.

  3. I like this author very much, I think I will read another one of his books soon. I like as Brooke said how he uses similes and metaphors, how he puts different bits of history into Mrs. Volkers orbits. Most, if not all of it is true. For example in Mrs. Salters orbit when she mentions Wat Tyler who in fact did participate in the English peasants revolt and was tricked into being decapitated. Last how he makes me laugh sometimes when he makes Mrs. Volker do something funny like scold jack or write her orbits.

    1. So glad you are enjoying the book Elven! I always appreciate a book that makes me laugh ;>)
